I’ve had to close my old blog due to a bit of reader intrusion from an ex.
It’s a good chance to start afresh.
So where am I now?
I’m Dave Smith, I live in England, I recently moved to London from the west of England.
I’m a committed Christian and a worship leader back in my church in the west-country.
I’m 24 and work in IT and Finance.
And I’m Gay.
“Christian and Gay?” you ask. Yup, that was the premis of the last blog; it was all about A: Coming out to myself and B: Reconciling it with my faith. (Although I haven’t full completed B yet)
In the last year I broke up with a long term girl friend, had one boy friend in Canada, one “thing” in here in London that never really got going and now I have a lovely boyfriend of 2 month.
So what is going to happen in this blog:-
Well I’ve come out to a few people in my life, but it’s the big ones that are coming in the not to distant future; my family, my close Christian friends etc
Other wise it will be my continued babble about life.
3 weeks ago
Sorry, but I had to point this out: but if your ex found your first blog and that blog directs her to this blog...
...just sayin'...
I Was thinking the same thing. I'm an irregular reader of the first blog and had no trouble 'switching' to this one.
So is this blog created in a panic attack or didn't you think this over too well?
lol, she's agreed not to read it anymore, and she's just moved out of internet access for 2 weeks, hence the "in 7 days the old blog will close", she only found the posts relating to her.
Welcome back buddy. Cheers.
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